Not only are protein shakes delicious, refreshing, and easy to prepare they also have many health benefits. Here are a few...

2) Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your body is extremely hungry after not eating for hours and needs nourishment. The fruit in your shake is a great source of carbohydrates and when it is mixed with the Whey protein it is slowly excreted into your body and provides you with maintained energy at a high level for many hours. If your body gets the carbs/glucose it needs in a nice steady stream (no sugar rush) your body is jump-started and ready for the day.
3) You also start off your day hydrated! We'll tackle this topic another day.
*Make sure you use Whey protein.*
Whey protein is a particularly good source of protein because it's pure, clean, and one of the most easily absorbed sources of protein there is. In fact, Whey protein has the highest biological value (a measure of nitrogen retained for growth or maintenance) of any protein.
Have a great day and enjoy your protein shakes!
Good to know! Thanks!!!