Kyle Goodman

Kyle was born in Newport Beach has lived Huntington Beach, CA his whole life. Kyle grew up around sports, playing basketball, baseball, swimming, and volleyball before high school. Kyle attended Edison High School where he excelled on the basketball and volleyball teams.

After graduating in 2006, Kyle went on to Orange Coast College where he was a member of the Coast Crew team. During his time at OCC he also stayed involved with game of basketball through various means.

Kyle is currently attending Vanguard University of Southern California and plans to graduate in May of 2011 with a degree in Communications. Kyle is also working in the Community Relations department for the Los Angeles Clippers.

Kyle has been with OC Fast-Twitch since 2006. Whether it is on the court, field, or in the water Kyle has a passion for athletics and for helping those who share that same passion excel in there sport.